The Path to Salvation (PTS)
The Path to Salvation (PTS) is an integrative modular syllabus of Islamic studies, laid out utilizing the best of both traditional and modern curriculum design philosophies. It is currently the most comprehensive and integrative program of Islamic education at foundation level available in the UK. PTS is a course intended primarily for young adults, designed to be accessible to a range of students from different walks of life. Some have previous experience of Islamic courses; whilst for others, it is their first exposure to formal Islamic studies. Its format has proven especially popular with university students and professionals, given its resemblance to higher education courses.
In conformity with the rich spiritual heritage of classical Islamic thought, PTS places a strong emphasis on imparting and practically instilling the Prophetic qualities of clemency, kindness, tolerance and devotion. As such, there is a strongly ethical theme running through every component of the course, from the module design to teaching delivery. It adopts the traditional paradigm of religious knowledge as the transmission of spiritual wisdom and ethics, but at the same time utilizes contemporary techniques of knowledge delivery. The course provides a comprehensive syllabus, making use of Powerpoint-based lectures, diagrams, mind maps and detailed study guides to aid the student’s understanding.
Study Domains
The course is highly systematic, structured around nine primary domains of study (Principles, Worship, Spirituality, Doctrine, Interpersonal Ethics, Textual Studies, Biographies, and History . Each domain is further sub-divided into modules which are taught over 6-10 hours. Examples include: Good Character with Creation, the Types of Prayer, the Rights of Creation, Financial Ethics and Marital Harmony. Students will be provided with Individualised Learning Plans that will allow them to track what they have learnt, test their understanding and implementation and plan further progress in discussion with the teacher.
We provide knowledge that is relevant to modern society and students expectations.
PTS does not require any prior experience of Islamic studies, is conveniently timed for part-time students, is taught in English by trained teachers and has open access to males and females.
Classes are taught by authorized, classically-trained teachers. All modules are based on classical manuals of law, belief and spirituality.
The course imparts all aspects of personally obligatory knowledge in context, as well as introducing sciences that will enrich the students’ experience of Islam.
Religion is Divine guidance that speaks to the heart. PTS recognises this and aims to be both informative and inspirational
Course Packs
Personal Development Plan
Our personal development plan (PDP) helps students document their progress at every stage of the course.
The course makes use of powerpoint-based lectures, diagrams, mindmaps and comprehensive study guides to aid the student’s understanding.

“Revert of many years, was thirsting for more knowledge of Testimonials STUDENT, PTS BIRMINGHAM our beautiful Deen. Really enjoying the PTS course. I would recommend it to anyone. I look forward to it every week and don’t want the day to end!”
StudentI learnt more in one lesson than I had learnt in an entire course!
Student“It has changed my life for the better. I have gained knowledge that I wish I had years ago. I recommend PTS to all.”
Student“It is an honour and a privilege to be part of this course. Because of the knowledge I have gained through these sessions, my world has changed, literally! My family dynamics have improved. I have become so self aware as a person and it all has started to make sense. I feel better equipped as a parent, a daughter and sister and teacher.”
StudentAli ibn Abi Talib took me by the hand … and said, ‘Oh Kumayl, people are of three types: the scholar who acts on their knowledge, the student on the path to salvation, and the uncivilised hooligan who follows every screeching caller and is blown by every wind.’